Models on the Runway |
I know its been past a couple of weeks since the Accra Men's Fashion Week (AMFW) event took place but I have been wanting to share my thoughts on the event.
Being the Public Relations Specialist for the event I received some feedback especially from attendees of the event. What was constant was that the Set up, Lighting, Runway and Organisation were all on point and even an impressive turnout of guests. Others mentioned that they weren't too impressed with some of the looks and models on the runway. Others also mentioned that they would have loved to see more established brands on the runway. All that said, they applauded the organizers of the event for pulling such a great event.
My thoughts
As you may know, starting something as unique as this event is no small joke. Designers, Corporate organizations and individuals were not too sure how this event will turn out hence were hesitant to join even when given the platform at no cost to them. All the same, some few designers and emerging ones applied and participated and they expressed excitement after the event.
Being the first of its kind in Ghana and the sub saharan Africa, Designers and Models from neighboring countries such as Cote D'Ivoire, Benin, Togo welcomed this opportunity and participated in the fashion event. After this first edition, I am certain they will like to be associated with this event going forward.
Looking forward to AMFW2017
Hopefully next year, we will have more established and emerging designers from various countries participating. We look forward to sponsorships and partnerships from corporate orgainsations joining in. I should mention that there are many other aspects of Mens fashion and style that we hope to grow within this space and I am personally looking forward to it. "Everything that makes Men Men"! From clothing, shoes, bags, belts, underwears, watches, jewelry, accessories, auto etc
Email accramensfashionweek@gmail.com if you hope to be a part next year.
Below are some of my favorite looks from the runway from different designers. See more on Facebook via Photo credit by @qwasieasephuaphotography or Accra Mens Fashion Week
My look on Day 1 |
Faith Senam Ocloo Fashion Public Relations Fashion I Beauty I Lifestyle I Art