Building your Beauty Business Using PR

Whether you are a beauty expert, a makeup artist, own a skin care line, run a spa or salon, your job is to make people look and feel good. While at it, you need to put in place measures that will improve your services and build your business. Define what you do by exploring the importance of looking and feeling beautiful. Develop a Public Relations campaign that will drive your business strategy and move your brand to the next level. The following PR tips will be useful in attaining such feat.

1. Create your unique story

Once you have carefully defined what you do, you need to create a story that presents all that in a simple, catchy and attractive way. A story that is compelling and interesting and that people can identify with. One that clearly states how different and unique your product or service is. It should be accompanied with good and captivating visuals. Using “Before” and “After” photos are the best tools use to demonstrate what you do and how well you do it.

2. Identify the right media channel

Mostly for startups or when launching a beauty related PR campaign, it is advisable to start with your local media. Firstly, identify which media outlets show contents targeted at your market. Begin to tell your story using various forms such as press releases, speaking engagements, interviews etc. Branch out to national media at a considerable pace that you can handle and then start to target print publications such as newspapers and magazines as you continue to expand and build your brand. It increases your visibility and strengthens your reputation as an expert.

3. Utilize your media coverage on Social Media

As you begin to land print coverage in newspapers and magazines and on online portals, utilize them on social media. Generate media and public interests on these coverage by developing a Social Media Strategy that will engage your fans and followers.  Maximize your efforts by creating consistent contents on your social media platforms and blogs.

4. Review and build your services

Many a times businesses tend to forget that as media coverage expand, calls for their product and services are most likely to shoot up. It is important to put in the requisite resources to make up for the demand. Review your support systems to make way for expansion which will cater for all the calls.

5. Capitalize results of media coverage

Ideally, launch a PR campaign that will offer steady growth so you are able to process all the calls that comes with using PR to build your beauty business. Understand that public relations effort is a gradual, on-going and cumulative process hence the need to make a commitment to stick with it in order to obtain maximum brand growth.

Hiring a Public Relations Agency to drive and manage your communication needs is the best for your beauty business. However, the above mentioned points could be helpful to launch your won PR campaign if you can’t afford one now.

Faith Senam Ocloo
E’April Public Relations
Follow me on twitter @eaprilPR and @faithsenam

Photo source: Ghana Hotels


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